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Please check back later for further announcements of special Microsoft Access and related Usability Studies

PLEASE indicate that you found the site --- "Found via a user group"!!! 
This might help MOVE you up the list AND can really make a difference to the the Access User Groups!
Please note, if you have not signed up via the web site, PLEASE do so as a NEW enrollee. The questions on the web enrollment form are different than than their older system, so by signing up as a new prospect (rather than indicating that you are updating your data) you will IMPROVE your chances of being contacted about a study!


Access Usability Study


Microsoft Usability Site

Usability Studies are FUN!!! They provide a means for Microsoft to gain insights into what computer users want, how they expect programs and controls to work what may seem awkward or frustrating. A typical study takes about one hour and is conducted in one of the facilities on the Microsoft Redmond campus. In return for sharing their thoughts, participants may select a gratuity from a generous list of products.

Personally, I LOVE to participate!!  Share my thoughts AND get free software!!  Sign me up!!


Copyright© Seattle Access and Data Dynamics Northwest 2001- 2010 
Hosted and Maintained by Teresa Hennig, Access MVP ;-)